Be Prepared Quest 2008
By: Sr GS Angeli Monique Siladan (Iloilo Council)

It was early in October when the circular from the national headquarters arrived, and was distributed to the troop leaders and my TL presented it, and the first thing that appeared said, “Be Prepared (BP) Quest 2008, Singapore, November 24-29, 2008.” Very exciting and who doesn’t want to attend an international event anyway? Doubts and worries came before everything was settled. For almost a month of processing all the papers and preparing for the event, the delegates are now confirmed. Angeli Monique Siladan of Central Philippine University, Hyacinth Bangero of Btac. Viejo National High School, Harrah Mae Rivera of SPED-ISEC and Tita Ghia Joy Bermejo of Central Philippine University, all from Iloilo Council- were finally approved to be delegates of the Philippines to the BP Quest in Singapore. Actually this event is neither a camp nor a conference, it is a contest. This is the ultimate quest for knowledge on Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting, pitted against members not only in Singapore but also in the Asia Pacific Region and beyond! The contest has its 4 main coverage which includes, WAGGGS and the United Nations, Scouting and Guiding in the Asia Pacific, Girl Guides Singapore and Scouting and Guiding skills. So before we went to Manila, we had our reviews and orientation in the council. We are all busy and we also had a hard time in reviewing during our busy days. And at last the time has come, and let me elaborate each day of happiness and success that we experienced.
November 22, 2008. The 3 girls were very excited. Our trip to Manila is at 11:20am and only the 3 of us are travelling because Tita Ghia will arrive the next day. We had a lot of fun in the national headquarters. Adjusting from each other was not that hard since the 3 of us knows each other very well. We had the time to roam around the building and in the late afternoon we went to Robinsons. When we went home, something happened but it’s a secret (hehehe). A little discussion and review concluded our day.
November 23, 2008. It was a very good Sunday. Tita Aida visited us in our room that morning to say her good lucks to us. We were scheduled to have our orientation with the trainers of the NHQ today. We were taught a lot about international travelling and the tradition of Singapore. We also had a mock quiz to test on whatever we have reviewed but sad to say we did not passed it. We also had a sample of the actual happening during the contest. It was really fun and we discovered more facts because of it. The titas inspected our luggage first and they gave us good lucks to us too. After which, we had our dinner out at Greenhills with Tita Ghia’s family. It was quite tiring so we slept immediately when we returned.
November 24, 2008. We woke up very early because our flight will be at 7am. We left NHQ at 3am and exactly checked in our luggage at 4am. Quite a long wait but we used that few hours to review our notes and sleep. Now after 3 hours of wait in the airport plus another 3 hours and 15 minutes of travel we are now in… SINGAPORE! We were fetched in the airport, together with the 11 Brunei Girl Guides and their 3 Guides (titas), by Ms Jalilah. As soon as the bus came, we immediately went to the Guide House (This is their NHQ). When we were already there, I have noticed that my back pack is already missing. I started to worry but I stayed calm. Good thing we called the airport and after a few minutes they confirmed that my bag is there and all I need to do is come there and claim it. Now, I really believe that Singaporeans are one of the most honest people in the world, they have a proof. We have settled well in the Guide House and by 2pm we had a briefing in the hall together with the other competing groups in the event. It was very nice getting to know other girls of different races. There were more than 40 teams who joined- 1 from the Philippines, 3 groups from Brunei and the rest were competing schools in Singapore. We also met the very kind International Commissioner of Singapore, Ms. Jessie Tan. After the briefing, we proceeded back to our rooms, had a little rest and in a few minutes we went for a walk in Junction 8 together with Uncle Mail who is also one of our trainers. This is one of the nearest malls in the Guide House. We really had a good time because Uncle Mail would make us laugh and would tell us different stories of the places. Who would ever want to end that day? Time was really fast since in Singapore, even if it’s already 7pm , we can’t notice it because it’s not the typical night time in the Philippines which is dark. Their sunset will be usually at 7:30pm or 8pm. Whew… “Girls too much for the window shopping, we still have a contest. We need to review.” And that ended our day!
November 25, 2008. Good Morning sunshine! Such a lovely morning but actually

it was almost 8am when we woke up. Today, we will be having a tour in the famous island of Singapore- Sentosa and to the biggest mall in Singapore- Vivo City, together with a host school. We were very excited and we prepared our exchange gifts. At 9am we were already prepared a
nd our host school was ready to fetch us. They were the Girl Guides from Nova Secondary School. They were very nice and kind. We were grouped into buddies and there I m
et Zoe, a 12 year old girl. She was very nice and a smiling face person. I gave her a friendship pin immediately. I also had the chance to meet the other girls. They were really young, most were 12 and 13, and the oldest was 14 years old. We also met their Guides Mrs. Junie Ong and Ms. Suganti. They were really fluent and could get along with us easily. We departed the Guide house and went to the train station. They taught us how to buy the tickets and ride in their MRT. It was very fast and we reached Vivo City at about 20 minutes only. We first bought our food in the market and the others had a little look in some of the boutiques. We were really strict with the time, after 20 minutes we already departed and rode again a train going to Sentosa. While waiting for our tickets, the three of us were really surprised when the girls just sat in the floor where people would pass through. Well, Singapore is really clean that anyone is allowed to sit anywhere. And now after a few minutes of waiting, we arrived in Sentosa and we proceeded in Siloso Beach. The place was quite the same as Boracay back in the Philippines because of the white sand and almost all kinds of races were there too. We enjoyed our tuna sandwich for lunch and our activities like the sand castle making and beach volleyball. It was a great time to socialize with the other girls. After that, the Philippine team planned to have a little tour around Sentosa. I really like to try the adventures and see some of the known spots in Sentosa but my companions would prefer shopping than experiencing the thrill. We only had a 20-minute ride in the cable car and the rest were spent for shopping. *sigh*! We went back in our meeting place at 6pm and all of us started to depart in Sentosa and proceeded in Vivo City for the dinner and shopping. We had a great diner then we had a little shop and finally had our rest. Zoe and her friends had their chance to give their remembrance for us. I got a really cute figurine from Zoe and it really looks like a Girl Scout in a pink uniform. Time flew so fast that we haven’t noticed that it’s time to bid goodbye to each other. We exchanged e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers so we can still communicate with them. It was quite an emotional moment for each of us since they became our first friends in Singapore. But everything has to end, so that we can move on for tomorrow. Though tired and a little teary-eyed, we still managed to have our final reviews when we reached the Guide House. Oh my, we really enjoyed and almost forgot that the Preliminary Round will be tomorrow! But we must handle it well because a Girl Scout’s motto is “Be Prepared”.
November 26, 2008. Whew! The day has finally come. At 2pm all the contestants are going to meet again at the hall of Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School for the Preliminary Round of the BP Quest 2008. We relaxed ourselves that morning. Quite nervous but we have to overcome it. We had our last reviews while having our breakfast and we actually prayed a lot. We went to the test area earlier but it still started late because the Brunei Guides came late. So, it was already 2:30pm when the test questionnaires and answer sheets were distributed. The Preliminary Round is actually a 60-item multiple choice exam which will be answered in 60 minutes. We started the exam at 2:45pm. Looking at the questions, honestly, I find it “quite” easy; the only tough part was about the history of Girl Guiding in Singapore. I was able to finish it for 45 minutes, same with Hyacinth and Harrah but we didn’t forget to review it over again. After 15 minutes, Ms. Jalilah finally announced, “Time is up!” We passed all the answer sheets and questionnaires. Well, I’m very happy that I answered it well. The three of us immediately talked about the exam, and then we would argue our answers and ends it up with “ok you got it!” *sigh*. It was in fact a really good time. Nothing to argue, the important thing is we did our best to answer every question. We’re not asking to be the Top 1; we just would like to be in the Top 5 so we can compete in the finals. Emotions are still in and we still need to review because we may not know if we would qualify. Well too much of the exam! It’s time to chill! We went in Junction 8 again to have some walk and to meet Mrs. Ong. She toured us in the famous Orchard Road where the Spirit of Christmas is everywhere. The huge malls had shinning lights everywhere and there are lots of people. We had the chance to visit the famous Lucky Plaza mall where most of the Filipino stores and Filipinos as well, can be found. We did our “final” shopping of souvenirs and pasalubongs there. If you want to buy original and affordable electronic gadgets, I tell you, if you can’t go to Japan, visit Singapore. We also went to the Borders bookstore. We spent a lot of time there. We sat down and read books while Tita Ghia bought some books which she can use for her class. We really had fun and Mrs. Ong is a really good tour guide. It was almost 9pm when we arrived back in Bishan. We were very tired and after a few chats we found ourselves sleeping.
November 27, 2008. We woke up early today, as in 8am! We will be having another tour to be hosted by another group of guides. Not like the Guides from Nova, our host guides are of the same age like us. This time I had a very humorous buddy-Rena who is 14 yrs old. The patrol leader and eldest member is Wan Lin, who is already 18 yrs. Old, currently in pre-college. Before leaving the Guide House, we first had a short game which can help us get to know each other, and then we departed the guide house. Our first stop is the Science Centre. It’s almost a 1-hour bus ride but it’s ok because we sang songs in the bus. We looked around the Science Centre but the main highlight is the omnitheatre. We first had an awareness seminar before watching the film.

It was really a good thing that we were able to know the real situation of the world. After that small talk, we proceeded in the omnitheatre where we will watch the film “Wild Ocean”. It’s more than a 3-dimentional cinema, it is a surround theatre. It was very wonderful and unique. We truly enjoyed the film and the whole experience. We wish to have it here in the Philippines, too. Our time is running out. After our lunch treat, we departed and proceeded in the Fish Farm. I smell something fishy. Well, the fish farm is really a good place for fish lovers. There are lots of coy and we met the century old dragon fishes! We really appreciated God’s creation and fishes are blessings. The most exciting part was the fish spa. We dipped our feet in the fish pond where the fishes would come and suck the dead skin from our feet. The fishes tickled our feet but it was relaxing. That concluded our visit in the fish farm and we headed to my most awaited activity today, Archery! Well, archery is one of the major sports in Singapore and it’s a great opportunity to meet the president of the Archery Association of Singapore and learn the sport as well. The president even emphasized that “Girls are good archers than boys.” Well, we had the chance to prove it. Our coach really had fun teaching us, especially us from the Philippines because we often shoot for the bull’s eye. The worst part of that day was the horror movie we watched, I mean they watched, in the bus. Everyone would scream but me, I was hiding under my cap! Hahaha… It was really a great experience and as what every moment must be, the day has ended and we must say our farewells to our new found friends but of course we exchanged contact information with each other. We sang the Thank you song we often sing in the Philippines as a sign of gratitude to them. Well, the days are really fast approaching and the final round is getting near. Though we’re tired, we still have to review even a bit only.
November 28, 2008. It’s a good new day. We had nothing to do that morning so what we did is stay in our favorite place, “The Kitchen”, and eat. In the afternoon Ms. Shirley Tan, the sister of Ms. Jessie, hosted our last tour. We had a quiz in the bus about Singapore and anyone who gets the answer wins a prize. It was really fun and we were not bored until we reached our destination. She first brought us in the China Town. Of course what do you see in China Town? Chinese, pagodas, Chinese architecture, dragons, Chinese symbols, the trishaw and a lot more. We also visited their wet market, where we saw how frogs are being skinned and cooked. It’s definitely like China. Next stop is the Little India. Yeah right, we are travelling the world in just one place! Very amazing! We have learned a lot about India when we were there. Ms Shirley gave us the traditional symbol of Indians in their forehead and of course we had the chance to see the beautiful art of Hena Tatoo. It’s different from the hena we usually see because their hena is much more symbolic. So we have spent a lot of our time touring the world, the night is almost approaching. We had our dinner in an Indonesian restaurant at Far East Plaza Mall. Good thing we’ve been there in that mall the other day, so we’re quite familiar already. We were offered very delicious cuisines. Spicy food was not an exemption. It was a very good time to bond with each other. After that dinner we proceeded to our final stop in the famous Singapore River, famous because the discoverer of Singapore who is Sir Stanford Raffles first docked their ship here. We had a very wonderful river cruise. We met the Merlion, the theatre shaped in a Durian, the Singapore Flyer and other awesome sites around the river. Well, Singapore has truly developed from the old fishing place, to the number 1 tourist destination in the world. They are truly blessed in this country. We went home earlier today and we were very satisfied but it’s not a good time to sleep yet. Tomorrow is the final round. We studied and reviewed a lot that night. Uncle Mail and Ms Jalilah were already teasing us that we really need to study. Well, in our minds, the question is “Why do we need to study? Did we qualify?” we can’t assure by now, so all we need to do is study.
November 29, 2008. The day has finally come. We were very nervous by that moment, from the breakfast until we reached the hall. Everyone was there, waiting for the results just like us. The three of us were getting cold, our legs were shaking. We then prayed before the program started. “Welcome to the BP Quest 2008!” The quiz master started and the announcement of the Top 5 followed. “1st to come on stage… Girl Scouts of the Philippines with the average of 64.5%!” That was a very shocking moment! We were qualified and in fact we ranked no. 1 during the preliminary round. We were really thankful to God for that victory. Unfortunately the Girl Guides from Brunei did not qualify to the finals, so it was the battle of the Philippines and the 4 competing teams of Singapore. We were still cold and after a few moments we were calm. The judges were smiling at us, well they were the honorable members of the Asia Pacific Committee and the renowned names in Singapore girl guiding. The questions were asked one by one. It was the start of the first round. This is an individual round; no assistance from team mates, questions are asked and answered for 10 seconds, individually. Two points for every correct answer and no deduction for the mistake. We only had 1 mistake during that round and we were in rank 2 because the 4th team won that round. In fact for every correct answer we have, we would pray and pray and thank God. There are more chances to win. Next round is an individual team round and we were actually tested on our skills during this round. This was actually our favorite round. The first challenge is to make a gadget out of the 3 poles and 1 twine. That was very fun. Of course we made a tripod. Well, if our tripod is the worst in the Philippines, our tripod is the best in Singapore. We got 5 points for that tripod which raised us to be back in rank 1 again. Other challenges include: memorization, first aid, labeling the parts of the axe and singing of the world song. Well, that round was truly ours. We were happy of the results but we must not be because there is still the last round, which will test our speed in pressing the buzzer. 5 points for correct answer and 5 points will be deducted for wrong answer in the first try. If the other team stills, there will be 3 points for correct answer and 3 points for wrong answer. This round was very hard because we must be careful. We can’t risk our score. The questions were also harder. We didn’t study too much on the 4 World Centers but almost of the questions were focused there. We had some correct answers and some deductions as well while the 5th team would often still and press the buzzer faster than we do, that’s why we were defeated by their team. We were quite sad by the end of the round but still happy because we were not left out in the top 3. The results are now final and we were at rank 2. It’s ok, as long as we did our best. There was an extra round that time for the audience. They were given patches and everyone really enjoyed. The awarding followed after that round. The awards were really great and we were very happy to receive the silver medals and the trophy. They also gave us a token as a remembrance. We ended with picture taking and giving of remembrance to each other. After which we proceeded at the garden where a grand dinner was served. We had the chance to talk with the other girls who were not qualified and we became good friends. One by one, each team departed the guide house. With lots of memories to share and reminisce, everyone left a smile and a sweet goodbye to us. We realized, the contest is over and we will be leaving in two days time. We had a small walk again in Junction 8, we also visited The Library at Bishan. We were able to call back in our family and reported the good news. We are really celebrating our victory. We went back to the guide house and had a rest. Tomorrow we will be soloists in the guide house because the Brunei Guides are already going home.

November 30, 2008. The voices of the Brunei Guides woke us up. It was still early and they were all dressed up in their official uniforms. “Bye Angeli, Hya, and Harrah!” Oh my, early this morning we had a sad moment. We bid our farewells to them. Well, it was sad but we must be happy because we are also going home tomorrow. After they left, we also prepared our selves because we are going to church with Ms Jessie. The mass was 10am we left the Guide house earlier so Ms Jessie had the chance to tour us around the Raffles Hotel and in some malls near the church. We met a lot of Filipinos during the mass. Well, the Catholic Church in Singapore is the famous place where Filipinos would gather to worship God. After the mass, we experienced our very first heavy rain in Singapore. It was just like the Philippines. We were wet because we only had one umbrella. Good thing we entered the mall and roam around while the rain is not at stop yet. It was now time for lunch and Ms. Jessie brought us to a famous restaurant in Raffles street. We really enjoyed the food. Since, we were not allowed to eat pork in the Guide House, we were happy that we had the chance to eat a dish of pork there. That was the best lunch we had in Singapore as what Hya and the rest of us complimented. After lunch we went for a walk to The National Library. Ms Jessie once worked here as a librarian so she really knew where to bring us. She brought as in the floor where the color changing walls are and we had the chance to read the latest news in the newspaper section where not only Singapore newspapers are there but newspapers around the world too. We really enjoy our tour especially when we stop by a library. We feel very light and smart whenever we’re surrounded by books. We spent most of our time there but we’re already tired, so it’s time to go home. We bid our goodbye and thanks to Ms Jessie for the tour and hospitality she has shown us, since it was the last time that we would see her. We went back to Bishan via train without Ms Jessie. And that was our last tour. At night we were already busy packing up and preparing our luggage for tomorrow’s leave, and then we had our good night sleep.
December 1, 2008. It’s a good start of the month but a sad one as well. Happy because at last we’re going back to the Philippines and sad because we are leaving the place we’ve loved and stayed for almost week. We had our last breakfast and lunch in the kitchen. We will truly miss the kitchen, since it’s not only our cooking area; it’s also our study area and our favorite “tambayan” too. We took our last preparations, dressed up in our official uniforms, brought our luggage downstairs and waited for Mrs. Wang and the taxi to arrive. Ms. Jalilah and Uncle Mail also came with us in the airport. That was almost 3pm when we went to the airport and our flight is at 5pm. We said our thanks and goodbyes to our very supportive trainers and then afterwards they left. 2 hours of wait was really fast because we didn’t notice that in a few minutes passengers are already boarding. The rain poured very hard before we left Singapore. Well, the Lord has truly blessed us with these wonderful and unforgettable memories. The plane arrived in the Philippines at 8pm. Thank God we’re back at home.
December 2, 2008. Farewell to Manila and hello Iloilo. Tita Ghia had her flight ealier than us. So again only the three of us are riding the plane at 9am. After hours of waiting in the airport and minutes of riding the plane, at last… we’re back in our hometown with lots and lots of memories to tell.
In life, sometimes we are given opportunities which come only once and when it arrives, remember to grab it. Just like what we did. This experience has truly developed us in the different aspects of life. We have placed in our minds before we left that we will not come to Singapore for competition (win or lose, it’s ok as long as we will do our best) but for experiences and lessons we cannot learn in the four corners of a classroom. We have gained a lot of knowledge and a lot of friends as well. The BP Quest has made us realized that there are more to learn in scouting and guiding and we hope to have the same quest here in the Philippines. We were very thankful to girl scouting because in spite of the hardships we’ve been through, our dreams were still fulfilled. We also wish that every girl in the world would experience the same things as we do but we must remember that a scout/guide has an obligation in her community. It is best to expose ourselves first in the local community and continue our journey later on into the world. We hope to join another international event soon, but we believe that before that, there must be hard work and of course we must implement the motto, which Lord BP started, the motto we’ve been living for and the motto which the whole world must follow…BE PREPARED!