-Angeli Monique Siladan-
Iloilo Council
It was almost 3pm of February 21, 2008; I was on a rush going home. The reason? At 6pm the ship going to Cebu for the Regional Senior and Cadet Conference will leave. As one of the officers of the Senior Planning Board, the council has chosen us- Ia Anne Noelle Burla and yours truly, Angeli Monique Siladan, to attend this annual conference for Senior and Cadet Girl Scouts. Ia and I were of course very excited because no adult will come with us. This will be a very great time for us.
The ship has boarded from Iloilo and fast as the hours passed, we have reached Cebu at around 8am of February 22. During our stay in the ship, we met some of our co-Girl Scouts from Capiz, they were only three, and they were so friendly to us. On the board was also the girls from Antique but it was already when we got down from the ship that we met each other, there were six of them that time. Now, we’re already in Cebu. I can really sense the feeling of the first timers there. I’m so happy to see the Regional Office again and the Titas there as well. I’m so glad that the Titas can still recognize me and so much to my gladness when I saw some friends there. I started to get to know other girls from the different councils. They really are Girl Scouts because of their friendly spirit.
It was already late when we started with the orientation and the opening ceremony but we were still enlightened when we were already introduced with each other. We were only 43 Girl Scouts present there so we must really know the other girls. We definitely started with the sessions after the opening ceremony. First topic that was discussed was about the “Adolescent Reproductive Health” and “Gender Sensitivity”. We really had fun with the topic and the resource person. The topic was really opened on the concerns of Pre-marital sex and knowing one’s gender. So much is to discuss but it still ended well with icebreakers, singing and snacks. It was then so fast and lunch came.
The ship has boarded from Iloilo and fast as the hours passed, we have reached Cebu at around 8am of February 22. During our stay in the ship, we met some of our co-Girl Scouts from Capiz, they were only three, and they were so friendly to us. On the board was also the girls from Antique but it was already when we got down from the ship that we met each other, there were six of them that time. Now, we’re already in Cebu. I can really sense the feeling of the first timers there. I’m so happy to see the Regional Office again and the Titas there as well. I’m so glad that the Titas can still recognize me and so much to my gladness when I saw some friends there. I started to get to know other girls from the different councils. They really are Girl Scouts because of their friendly spirit.
It was already late when we started with the orientation and the opening ceremony but we were still enlightened when we were already introduced with each other. We were only 43 Girl Scouts present there so we must really know the other girls. We definitely started with the sessions after the opening ceremony. First topic that was discussed was about the “Adolescent Reproductive Health” and “Gender Sensitivity”. We really had fun with the topic and the resource person. The topic was really opened on the concerns of Pre-marital sex and knowing one’s gender. So much is to discuss but it still ended well with icebreakers, singing and snacks. It was then so fast and lunch came.
This time is really what we enjoy most. Everyone had a hard time communicating in different languages such as Bisaya, Ilonggo, Karay-a, Waray and every language present in Visayas, so what we did was during lunch we ask each other for some words to be translated. All we do is laugh and laugh during those times.

It was really good. Everyone enjoyed laughing and doing the activities. We were taught how to counsel a friend in need, and that was what I liked most. I was surprised with the last topic. Everyone started to get bored that time (we can’t deny it!) but we woke from restlessness to a good debate with the story, “The Crocodile River.” I really had fun from that and too much in my surprise, when I was carried by four girls (smaller than my size!) from the chair using only their 2 fingers, which was actually a test in one of the Johari Window. It was too fast and the night time is already in. We had diner and of course, funny moments were still there, after we practiced for our Thinking Day Ceremony. It was February 22 and it is in Girl Scouting culture wherein we celebrate the Thinking Day in honor for the birthday of our founders. We also had an acquaintance party that night. The girls were in their casual attire, we also had this “modeling” which led to a beauty pageant then. It was so funny, cute and nervousness arouse, especially if you’re one of those models being judged. We end the night with satisfaction and smiles in our selves. Before I ended that day, I talked with my love ones in Iloilo and reminded them that I’m safe wherever I am.
Late sleep and late rise! What can I do? I slept late at night and now I’m suffering my consequences. I wasn’t able to wake up earlier than what I have planned so I waited so long inside the shower room. Good thing I was able to finish bathing before we started the color ceremony. After the ceremony, we proceeded to the dining area for our breakfast. In our patrol, we did our work in the Kaper’s which was the Mess and Dining. Then, we fixed ourselves and prepared for the sessions this morning, the topic was about “Clean Air”. An engineer from the D.E.N.R., was our resource person. It was a good topic because we were able to awaken ourselves from a very long sleep when it comes to the concern of the environment, specifically the air. Young as our age, we were lucky enough to be aware of what is going on in the world right now, and the topic really soothed those who were “listening” by that time. The next session was much more interesting; we had “Fine Dining”! That was one of the most applicable among all the topics. The speaker was really good in giving each detail of the activity. Mostly, it is applied in formal gatherings wherein etiquette in eating is really important. We were given a chance to perform the same way of formal eating when lunch time came. But before the “formal dining” was performed, the patrol leaders, together with the steering committee, and the titas had the Court of Honor. Many things were discussed during the meeting but all were resolved after the meeting was adjourned. Now, it’s time for lunch! Each was asked to do their fine dining in their own tables. Some had the hard time but mostly had fun in performing it. Our table was actually the noisiest and loudest that time because we were really enjoying the moments and laugh at our best even though the Titas were already looking (sorry we just can’t stop it!). And here we are, back to the session hall again for the last topic of this conference, “Action against the violence of Women” which was already associated with “Human Trafficking”.

This was one of the best events I’ve ever attended in girl scouting. It didn’t only teach me a lot of new things but I also made new friends. Nothing can ever replace these memories until time fades away. I miss all the girls already! I encourage everyone to join and participate in the different activities and events of girl scouting. Its one event you wouldn’t ever forget as you continue with life’s journey. If the spirit is in you never stop pursuing it. Someday you’ll realize, being a girl scout is worth it!
This was one of the best events I’ve ever attended in girl scouting. It didn’t only teach me a lot of new things but I also made new friends. Nothing can ever replace these memories until time fades away. I miss all the girls already! I encourage everyone to join and participate in the different activities and events of girl scouting. Its one event you wouldn’t ever forget as you continue with life’s journey. If the spirit is in you never stop pursuing it. Someday you’ll realize, being a girl scout is worth it!
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